Nature’s Haven Tea Garden
We are excited and delighted to announce that Nature's Haven is displaying a Tea Garden at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival
To celebrate the nation’s love of the humble cuppa, this ‘tea garden’ reflects our passion for plants that heal – a theme reflected in the therapeutic community group we run in Berkshire. Every species grown here – including those more often thought of as weeds – has a purpose, either as an edible tea crop or as sustenance for bees and other insects. An arch of Trachelospermum jasminoides agm (star jasmine) is flanked by two raised beds, created to be accessible to those with mobility issues, and filled with plants suitable for a range of teas and tinctures. Passionflower, which helps to reduce insomnia, climbs over nettles, known for their anti-inflammatory properties; while eucalyptus is a known remedy for coughs and colds. Although not edible, manuka provides nectar for bees to make nutritious honey fused with antibacterial properties.
Printed recipes for our favourite tea recipes are displayed around the allotment.
Where to find us: ON THE MAP: 671
We hope to see you there
We will, of course, post lots of pictures of our Tea Garden on Instagram, on our website and we will send you all an email.
Below is a design of our Tea Garden
Designed by Claire Charalambous & Aleksandra Brown